Newsflash! Facebook is making another change to the way posts appear on your News Feed.
Facebook will prioritize posts from people you have a close relationship with. By ‘close relationship’, it will take in to account frequently tagged posts, photos and any posts that you react to by commenting on the post or liking a picture etc to determine who’s posts show up higher on your news feed. It will also factor in links that you might consider most worthwhile. This will ensure that you see posts from people you have close relationships with higher in your news feed.
But don’t worry, this won’t be something that is set in stone. Facebook aims to continually review each individuals activity to ensure it is keeping up to date with your interests and daily interactions to ensure you are seeing the most relevant posts from your friends.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions about these changes and how they may effect your business page on Facebook. Email us at
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